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Jazz Ensemble

The University Jazz Ensemble (MSC 142) offers both big band and smaller combo opportunities, including a featured concert each semester as well as opportunities on and off campus that students help organize.

Jazz Ensemble students have performed across Wake Forest including Wakeville Arts Festival, Department of Music campus “pop-ups,” and the annual President’s Address.

For more information on the Jazz Ensemble, contact Julio Jeri.

University Wind Ensemble

The University Wind Ensemble (MSC 141) performs a concert each semester of outstanding works from the traditional concert and contemporary wind band literature, including frequent world premieres. Select members also form the wind and percussion section of the University Symphony Orchestra.

For more information on University Wind Ensemble, contact Dr. Tim Heath.

Wake Forest University Athletic Bands

The Wake Forest University Athletic Bands consist of the Marching Band (MSC 143) and Pep Band (MSC 144). They are collectively known as The Spirit of the Old Gold and Black. A part of the Department of Music and  Wake Forest University Athletics, the students and directors of SOTOGAB epitomize Wake Forest’s passion, pride, and excellence.

Visit the Wake Forest University Athletic Bands website for more information.

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