Oskar Espina-Ruiz

Dr. Oskar Espina-Ruiz has performed at major concert halls and festivals to high critical acclaim, including concerto performances at the Philharmonic Hall in St. Petersburg, Russia, and recitals in New York City, Washington DC, Moscow, Madrid, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. His chamber music collaborations include the American, Argus, Ariel, Cassatt, Daedalus, Escher, Shanghai and Verona quartets. Current projects include the release of a new album for clarinet and piano with pianist Victoria Schwartzman and the premier of a concerto by Alfonso Fuentes. He is associate professor of clarinet at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and adjunct faculty in clarinet at Wake Forest University, and he serves as artistic director at Chamber Music Wilmington (from May 2020), Treetops Chamber Music Society and Music Mountain Festival.