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Kappa Kappa Psi

Kappa Zeta Chapter

Kappa Kappa Psi is a co-ed service fraternity. The brothers of the Kappa Zeta chapter of KKPsi strive to do as much as possible to help WFU Music programs flow smoothly. The Kappa Zeta Chapter was rechartered at Wake Forest University in May 2010, and we are working diligently to promote our Department of Music in any way we can! Aside from our weekly chapter meetings and planned events, our brothers genuinely love being a part of anything related to music. Whether we are helping with ushering for our WFU Wind and Jazz ensembles, handing out brochures, or helping with take-down to reset a rehearsal or performance space, our brothers are proud to serve the Wake Music community.

At the beginning of every Fall semester, WFU Football becomes our brothers’ highlight and the most critical season! Many brothers in the Spirit of the Old Gold & Black athletic band make sure our performers have water for every practice and during long game days. At any time of year, our members make sure to have a positive outlook each day and work diligently to help their fellow musicians outside of class learn their pieces for each concert. 

The Spring semester is spent at basketball games at most, if not all women’s and men’s games! Brothers always help move instruments to and from the coliseum aka “The Joel,” where the WFU Demon Deacons play basketball. In addition to sports, the Spring semester is application season for candidacy to find out who our next brothers will be! We also plan events bringing us together because, at our core, we share brotherhood, which shows through everything we do.

Visit our website to learn about our current members or those in executive positions. You can also email us questions at


Musical Empowerment

Musical Empowerment at Wake Forest University is a music education organization serving children in our Winston-Salem community whose families would not otherwise have access to music lessons.

Wake Forest University students are paired with children who attend Speas Global Elementary School and other local K-12 Winston-Salem schools. Our Wake Forest Musical Empowerment students provide free, weekly 40 minute, one-on-one music lessons and mentorship.

Our program provides free instruments, music books, teacher workshops, and trainings to participants, as well as any other resources that may improve the quality and value of lessons. Lessons take place in practice rooms at Scales Fine Arts Center on the WFU Reynolda campus.

Click or tap below for more information.

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Songbird Musical Service is a student-run music organization that provides musical therapy to Winston-Salem residents living with dementia.

Songbird works with residents at Brighton Gardens, an assisted-living community, located close to Wake Forest University’s Reynolda campus.

For more on Songbird, click here for a profile from Wake Forest’s Old Gold & Black or follow Songbird on Instagram.

A Cappella at Wake Forest

The Department of Music also hosts regular rehearsals and performances for the following student-run A Cappella groups:

A Cappella groups also regularly perform at Wakeville, Wake Forest’s student-run interdisciplinary Arts festival.

Interested in pursuing music at Wake Forest? Click or tap for information on scholarships.